Monday, November 19, 2012

Safe Summit Success

Alan and Tino were successful in establishing the first ascent of the previously unclimbed peak, Langmoche Ri (6611meters)!  Very cool and very proud of them.  Alan's call was brief and succinct but he seemed, to me, to be a little bit more relieved to be safe and sound than having summited.  I could be wrong, maybe I was more relieved :).  He sounded good and they are headed back into Na.  At the time of his call they were camping at 18,000ft and I was excited to know that they were so low; quite a different perspective after some time. In Na they will spend the week ice climbing and then they'll need to start their bookend journey back into Kathmandu.  They get home in less than three weeks time.  Let's hope for safe ice conditions this end of their trip.


1 comment:

  1. Very proud of our old neighbor Alan Rousseau! It seems like just yesterday that he was jumping off home made ramps in his driveway here in Canandaigua NY.

    Congratulations to the team! Prayers for your safe journey home!

    Marge Long
